I want to know what you Love  

Maybe it seems strange to ask what you love on my “about me” page but this is who I’ve always been…a seeker, endlessly curious... 

about you and your story, 

about this incredibly magnificent world

about what brings joy;  and magic

about ancient ways of being in the world

Like my namesake, Diana, I’m in awe of this beautiful world of ours and a deep lover of Nature and Creativity.  

Among other things, Diana rules children, fertility and healthy childbirth and she seems to have tasked me with the job of cultivating a child-like sense of wonder, play and curiosity; helping others become Wonder Masters… that is, helping you to see this world in bright, vivid color where maybe it’s gotten a little grayscale. She nudges me to not only birth my own creativity out in the world, but to lend a little magic to spark your creative process, too.

My life is devoted to Beauty, Nature, Community, Creativity and Connection and in sharing their power with others– it’s my way of creating peace in the world.

Heart, Community and Curiosity is always at the center of what I do…be it in my former business-life in the hospitality, consulting and real estate fields, enthusiastically renovating historic homes for my family, tending to dying parents, making art or lovingly tending land in Vermont and Boston.

Be the Magic may be my brand, but… it’s not always rainbows and unicorns for me. Being an explorer of spirituality proved my ticket out of dysfunction, negativity, unhappiness and burnout.  Nature, Art and Spirituality were my teachers whenever I felt I didn’t belong – they have a way of teaching us that we can never Not be connected.

Having the great wake-up call of a cancer diagnosis in my early thirties and adrenal burnout in my forties led me on the incredible journey to voraciously study explore and experience what makes people love life and thrive. I dived into the study of consciousness, plant, energy and sound-based healing modalities, music, dance, art, and yoga; soaking up every alternative healing modality I could find. The weirder, the better!

Stopping work to be at the bedside of both parents as they crossed over was a whole other journey in itself and led to a multi-year “sabbatical” where among other things, I swapped my successful business career and Ivy League mantle for the ivy in the forest, becoming a forest therapy guide, credentialing in the study of positive psychology and becoming an herbalist. 

Through it all, life has shown me over and over that play is anything but frivolous. It’s a way into awe, wisdom, purpose and joy. 

In working with hundreds, maybe thousands of people in business, on creative projects, and in my explorations, I’ve learned what makes people thrive and delight in this life of ours. Ironically, the seeking itself is often the most magical part of the journey, if we learn how to navigate it. 

Equally at home fiddling and felting, dancing and dowsing, hugging a tree at sunrise and hula-hooping at sunset, stalking a good farmers’ market, sewing pine needle baskets, gardening or gathering wonder-makers to frolic and picnic under the full moon…  

I champion Creativity and the Diversity of Experience on our paths to purpose and peace. 

As a writer, I make sense of the world through words and see it as another form of magic. It’s a delicious way to visit our wisdom and let it speak through us… (learn more).  

As a creativity mentor, I help people shift out of limited thinking and into their own wisdom to access their purpose, joy and creative gifts… (learn more). 

As a forest therapy guide, I share the love and power of my namesake, Diana – fierce lover and protector of the Fields, Forests and Nature, guiding groups of people to make deep reciprocal connections with Nature, and their own Creative Intuitive Wisdom. (learn more)

Often, all three of these modalities are woven together to create their own unique magic.  

I’d love to hear how I might be of service on your journey.