As an author, I make sense of the world through words and see it as another form of magic – we make symbols on a page – letters, words, paragraphs – a stranger in another time and place can decipher those symbols and be potentially transformed by them.
That seems like some kind of powerful magic to me.
We make sense of our own life through our stories. Sharing our words and our stories is deeply liberating, healing and transformational. Free-writing helped re-ignite my own creativity and unleashed stories I hadn’t even realized were bottled up inside me. I know the power first-hand and love leading writing circles to provide a safe space for others to tell their stories and be witnessed with love.
When we court our Spirit through our pens, Wisdom often spills out. Free-writing can be a powerful and safe space to explore what’s bottled inside and wants to be expressed. It can lead to profound insights, aha-moments, and access to joy.
Please contact me to learn about upcoming workshops or for more information about classes.