APRIL 7TH at 2pm EST
Email Diane [diane@dianepienta.com] and she will email you the Zoom link
Has something been Eclipsing your Creative Expression in the world lately? Or maybe, this spring energy has been urging you to create something new in your life!
This upcoming Aries New Moon and Solar Eclipse is already feeling powerful. Come craft your intentions with the strength of community, in anticipation of the April 8th new moon and solar eclipse on the following day!
Please join me for this guided intention-setting, to support your souls’ creative expression in the world. We’ll look at what wants to be planted in the garden of your heart this year (and beyond).
We’ll also look at the eclipse shadow, to see what might be eclipsing your bright light, and how to work with it to support instead of “eclipsing” you.
New Moon and Solar Eclipse
Intention Setting Event
Sunday, April 7th, 2-3 pm, ET
New Moons are potent for planting seeds of intention; calling into our lives what we’d like to manifest. They’re about new beginnings, fresh starts, growth and transformation.
Solar Eclipses amplify intention-setting in a powerful way, giving our intentions a boost of manifesting energy. The combination of the two offers one of the best windows to support our intentions and transformation for the rest of the year and beyond.
Let’s gather to support each other at this powerful time!
Reluctant to jump on another Zoom call?
I get it! Join us from a beautiful perch outdoors in nature on your phone or tablet. Let Nature and Community nurture your creative expression.
About this picture
In 2017, my husband Dave, convinced me at the last minute to travel to Oregon to view the August Solar Eclipse. The thought of mile long traffic jams,overpriced rental cars and hordes of people fueled my resistance. But magic happens with intention and we borrowed a relatives’ car, as our sunrise-drive delivered us, traffic-free, to wild open land where a smattering of groovy people gathered.
It was an other-worldly, magical experience and the intentions I set then are still rippling into the world today.